Solo Dog walks

Before working with Erika, Ellie had a tendency to lunge hard while on leash, sometimes so hard that she pulled me over. Erika uses positive reinforcement and games to teach Ellie good manners in a variety of settings.
— Elizabeth H.

As a force-free Certified Trainer & Behavior Consultant and a Certified Professional Dog Walker with nearly a decade of experience working with dogs, you can trust that I will get your dog out for a safe, fun, uneventful walk, whether they are reactive or non-reactive, and that I will never use any walk equipment that causes discomfort/pain, force, fear, or injury. All breeds welcome!

For owners with fearful, anxious, and reactive dogs:
I truly understand how stressful it is for you when your dog barks and lunges at other dogs or people. Maybe your dog is fearful of strangers and cowers behind you or feels anxious when they see a delivery truck.

You may be proficient at hiding behind parked cars to let other dogs or people pass, feel like you have to apologize to strangers because of your dog’s behavior, or maybe you’ve even stopped walking your dog because it’s just too stressful.

I understand the relief of not experiencing that daily stress and the guilt that can come with the decision to stop walking your dog or to feel like you have to limit how often you get your dog out.

Whether your dog is happy out in the world or struggles, I understand how busy and stressful modern life is with work and family and other life obligations - that’s a recipe for burnout and I truly understand what this feels like!

This is where I come in to help you.

Dog Walking Service Details

Step 1
90-minute Initial Consultation: $175
I will come to your home for a meet and greet where I will gather all of the necessary details about your dog, and we will take a walk so I can observe your dog.

Potential prerequisites to starting walks:
Depending on what I learn at the consultation, I may require the following additional steps prior to walking your dog:

1) Skills training, including but not limited to, loose leash walking, recall, a solid wait cue before exiting the house or crossing the street, able to engage with the handler when out in the world. This is billed at the regular training rate, not the walking rate.

2) For dogs who struggle with behavioral issues, such as reactivity, but have not been diagnosed with an underlying medical issue that is being supported by a veterinarian, I require a Dynamic Dog Functional Assessment and a thorough medical exam before I start walking your dog.

Step 2
Setting Up Your Dog’s Walks
Once I have determined that your dog is ready to begin walks with me, you’ll choose a full-time or part-time schedule and I’ll formulate a plan to set your dog up for well-managed, safe, fun, uneventful walks. We may walk in your neighborhood or I may determine that your dog needs to be taken to another location close by.

Option 1: Full-time walks
5 days/week
1-hour walk/day
$70/walk, billed at a flat monthly rate

Option 2: Part-time walks
3 days/week
1-hour walk/day
$70/walk, billed at a flat monthly rate

Step 3
Come Home to Your Relaxed Rover
Relax at the end of the day with a relaxed dog who’s already had their enriching walk.


A minimum of three walks per week is required.

Pick-up & Drop-Off Times
Walks will be scheduled between 10 am & 4 pm.

Coverage Area for Dog walks
Dog walks are limited to parts of South San Jose and Campbell

Walk Equipment
I provide the walk equipment, which includes a Y-harness and leash. I do not walk dogs on a flat collar unless a dog has a medical issue that precludes them from wearing a harness. If a dog needs harness desensitization training before starting walks, that will be billed at the regular training rate, not the dog walking rate.

I will never use a prong/pinch collar, shock collar aka ecollar (not on any setting including vibration or beep), citronella collar, choke chain, Martingale collar (limited slip/choke collar), head halter (Gentle Leader, Halti, etc.), slip lead, or any other equipment that causes discomfort, pain, force, fear, or potential injuries when used correctly. Please see the Important Notes section below.

Other equipment/items provided
Poop bags, water, water bowl, and treats.

*Pricing for Prerequisites:
Training Sessions:
$150/hour (multi-session packages available)
Dynamic Dog Functional Assessment: Additional $124

Important Note: Dogs with a bite history may be required to wear a muzzle on walks. If the dog has not been conditioned to wearing a muzzle, that will be billed at the regular training rate, not the dog walking rate.

important notes

All force-free methods
The purposeful use of punishment, force, fear, and pain has been shown to elicit aggressive behavior.* Reactivity and aggression are symptoms of underlying negative emotions such as fear, unease, or trauma, as well as pain or other underlying medical issues. Punishing these outward displays may diminish the behaviors, but only serves to make the emotions underneath stronger and could potentially exacerbate a painful condition, risking larger eventual outbursts. Instead, I use force-free methods to help your dog feel better and even relax when out in the world.

*According to the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviorists, as well as many scientific studies.

dog*biz Certified Professional Dog Walker—and a dog trainer, too.
With a fearful, anxious, leash reactive, or aggressive dog, your dog’s safety and your financial liability depend on the skill of the dog walker you choose. I’ve pursued high levels of education and I am an expert in dog behavior, so I understand dog body language and communication, as well as how to help your dog should they see a trigger. You can rest assured that I will avoid all tools, methods, and situations likely to deepen the fear and/or anxiety behind their behavior. Learn more about my education and credentials here.