dynamic dog Behavioral & Functional Assessment
for dog owners
Why is a Dynamic Dog Behavioral & Functional Assessment important?
A Dynamic Dog Functional Assessment is very different from most canine behavioral assessments.
Dynamic Dog Practitioners have been trained to identify signs of physical abnormalities in dogs that may signify a dog is experiencing discomfort. Some of these signs are very subtle and can easily be missed by the untrained eye. Often, a dog’s behavior is the only sign something is wrong, and this is often misunderstood, so the dog is labeled as being stubborn, reactive, aggressive - you name it.
Dynamic Dog Practitioners are also trained to see subtle abnormalities in the way a dog moves, in every way possible, that many people miss. Sometimes the dog owner is told that it’s just the way their ____ breed dog is, or that something is common for ____ breed, or maybe even that their dog is just “quirky.” Common does not mean normal. You may have even been told that your dog couldn’t be in pain because they can still do things like run, fetch, & jump. But that is actually not the case. Dogs can and will do many things when they are in pain.
Dynamic Dog Practitioners understand the impact that emotional and physical health may have on a dogs behavior. Pain is very complex and everything is connected, and that is why we insist on a FULL and DETAILED assessment when working with you & your dog.
ALL aspects of both your and your dog’s day-to-day life are taken into consideration from their behavior, to what they eat, to the way they move, sleep, play, and their routine.
The Dynamic Dog Functional Assessment Process
Step 1: Initial Consultation
This takes place on Zoom. Lasting 1.5 - 2 hours, I take a look at what life is like for you and your dog. Be warned - I want to know EVERYTHING, which often leads us down previously unexplored territory.
Step 2: Data Gathering
Additional information gathered in visual form - photos and videos of your dog doing various activities of daily life so we can assess any physical issues.
Step 3: Evidence Analysis
Once all data is gathered, I spend a few days going over all the data & information given to me in the consultation along with all of the photos and videos, so I can build the full picture of what is going on for your dog.
Step 4: Report for Your Veterinarian
I then construct a comprehensive report with corresponding evidence for your dog’s veterinarian with my findings to ensure that any underlying health issues are diagnosed and supported so that they lessen the impact on your dog’s behavior.
Behavior Management Plan
Full behavioral management support during the initial Dynamic Dog Assessment. Once we have the results of the assessment, I can continue to support you short term or long term with behavior & training help while your dog receives medical support from your veterinarian and beyond. Post-assessment support is charged at my regular training rates.
Cost: Full Dynamic Dog Functional Assessment is just $299.
This is a two-week process that takes time and commitment from the dog owner. Please keep this in mind when scheduling the initial consultation.
The entire assessment can be done virtually or we can do a hybrid of in-person and virtual if you are located in my coverage area.
Please note: I do not diagnose any medical issues. I gather information and evidence to support any of my findings, and then objectively present everything to you and your vet as an aid to help figure out what is going on with your dog.
Why is pain the name of the game?
It's not always a limp or a whine! Pain related behavior is extremely complex. Dogs don't often show that they are experiencing discomfort in ways we would usually expect and their pain level may be a 6/10 before we see very obvious signs that they are struggling. It is often subtle and goes unnoticed for weeks, months and even years!
In a recent study carried out in Lincoln University by Daniel Mills, it was found that up to 80% of dogs that presented with behavioral issues had some form of undiagnosed pain that was a direct cause or adding to a problematic behavior. You can read the study here.
A Dynamic Dog Practitioner has been taught the skills to identify potential signs of discomfort and relay them to the vet so that you and your dog find relief sooner, while simultaneously helping you manage your dog’s behavior.